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Do you feeling defeated, helpless, or

hopeless when it comes to helping your teenager?

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Are you:

Inundated with advice, "shoulds," and resources but lacking real answers?

Being blamed for every pain in your child's life?

Concerned about their sadness, anger, or lack of confidence?

Wondering where your parenting went wrong?

Losing sleep wondering how your child is doing now that they have left home?

At odds over their choice of friends or lack thereof?
Exhausted financially and emotionally with little to no impact?

Racing the clock to set your child on the path to success?

At a loss on how to best communicate with them?


It’s time to partner with your child to combat

overwhelm, fear, and miscommunication

– empowering both of you in the process!

By working with both parents and teens, I facilitate deeper, richer, and more honest communication. I provide skill-sets that will help both parties grow and will take the guesswork out of the transformations you both hope for.


My clients have experienced:

  • Less stress, anxiety, and depression for both parents and teens

  • Renewed family communication, honesty, and trust

  • Increased confidence, self-love, and self-awareness

  • Freedom from judgement and "shoulds"

  • Less enabling behaviors

  • Feelings of empowerment, self-compassion, and hope

  • Clarity and enthusiasm for the future 

  • Deeper passion, connection, and trust in romantic relationships

  • More honesty and authenticity in friendships

  • A deeper, easier bond between parent and child


Are you ready to take your life back, while helping them craft theirs?  
The best way to begin is with a stress-free, pressure-free, free clarity call. I'll create a safe, open environment where you can be vulnerable, seen, and supported - with plenty of laughter along the way.

Ditch the fear of starting over. Lose the dread of letting yourself down.

Release the pain of revisiting the past.


As I promised you no one-size-fits-all solutions, the best way to learn about what we can accomplish together is by hopping on a quick, stress-free phone call. On our call, we’ll take a non-judgemental look at “what’s going on,” shine some light on the situation, maybe shed a few tears and then laugh and move forward more empowered than you ever dreamed.

Cindy Boyum NBC - HWC © 2018 All Rights Reserved

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