This is for the overwhelmed, the under-appreciated, and the continually spread too thin.
For the exhausted master-enablers, sacrificial lambs, and invisible caretakers. For therapy dropouts, self-help junkies, and over-indulgers tossed from one “promising solution” to another.
If you’re stuck in your own emotional gunk, living in the eye of life’s transitional storms, you don’t need another one size fits all program or guru. You need a guide, and a clear vision of what’s next.

Hi, I’m Cindy Boyum,
a life and transitional strategist.
I specialize in working with people exactly like you - people who have done absolutely everything they “should” do.

They’ve been through therapy or counseling but are tired of telling their stories repeatedly with no new outcomes.
They’ve read what feels like a million self help books but haven’t learned anything new or applied any of it.
They’ve sought out medical professionals but never feel heard or understood.
They’ve tried Al-Anon but didn’t fit in or quickly outgrew the support provided.
They’ve hired a personal trainer but still fail themselves repeatedly.
They’ve committed to a nutritional program but inflexible methods only cause more stress.
They’ve had an intuitive reading but have no clue how to actually apply the insights.
And, simply put, they are left longing for more.
What if the solution for all the frustration, worry, and stagnation is actually astoundingly simple?
What if by mastering new skill sets you could finally feel fully alive, fantastic, and free - and in a short amount of time? What if you could do something different...release the story, ditch the struggle and write the new life story you always desired and not to mention deserve?
My clients have learned to empower themselves, toward great transformations.
& Purpose
Teens &
Young Adults
This is especially important if the idea of calling triggered any of the following thoughts:
I don’t want another coach.
I’ve been burned too many times.
I can’t stomach another program.
Is she going to make me meditate? Or journal?
It’s going to be too hard, too painful, or take too long to feel better.
And - most importantly - do I have to stop drinking wine?!
Ditch the fear of starting over. Lose the dread of letting yourself down.
Release the pain of revisiting the past.
On our call, we’ll take a non-judgemental look at “what’s going on,” shine some light on the situation, maybe shed a few tears and then laugh and move forward more empowered than you ever dreamed.